Friday, November 21, 2008


Today at lunch was silent. Dead silent. Autumn and I were going to talk to Fiona, but some girls who sit with us are nosey and love to spread rumors. Apparently they "hear wrong".
Anyways, Autumn went to go get a snack and I mentioned Caleb telling Autumn that he knew about my little "Bang-Bang thing yesterday."
She just nodded and said "Oh. What'd he say?"
And Autumn came back and they both went to go get a snack. The rest of lunch, all I did was listen in to other people's conversations on Twighlight coming out.

1 comment:

Rinna. said...

Wow.I hate it when silence visits our linch tables...
Well, ok, I'm lying.
I don't have luch tables at school.
But silencr during luch is ..
Try to keep the conversation going.
Even if you have to say something dumb.