Thursday, November 6, 2008

My first post? I think yes.

Only reason I'm posting this is so I can attempt to use this "add an entry" thing and make sure I've got it down. Hmm...reall hoping this will publish. I'm so insecure when it comes to computers.
Putting it lightly, this blog is really exciting me. This layout is bomb diggity, by the way. Plus all you contributors and followers look mighty fine. I'm convinced this will be the coolest blog ever. 100% convinced. Just the idea of pure, no-pulp writing from people I can relate to fires me up.
WHOO! I, for one, and pumped.

I love technology. Not as much as you, you see. But I love technology. Always and forever.
--Lizzle fo' shizzle.


Zephyr said...

Thanks so much for complimenting the layout! It took me an unbelievably long amount of time. I agree with you, and I absolutely love the word choice, homeskillet. Sorry, I had to use a cool word. XD Yay for the start of a wonderful blog!

Alina said...

I 100% agree with you about the layout and everything. I forgot to mention that in my post too. I'll have to add it.