Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hey, this is my first post for the Daily Pessimist, so I guess I owe you an introduction.
I’m Kerryn and I’m almost 15. I’m quite mature for my age, but other than that I’m just your average girl. My life consists of: stressing out about everything, from school to friends to unwanted hair, watching and quoting Juno, pretending I don’t absolutely love watching ‘Overhaulin’, obsessing over Leonardo Di Caprio, talking, breathing, sleeping and eating. A lot. I love all my friends and family to death, even though sometimes I don’t show it. Did I mention I love to eat?

I think the main thing to think about with this blog is that we all are going through problems, minor, major, it doesn’t matter. Some-one is better off than you and their best mate is probably worse off than you. Wow, I sound extremely Australian. I’ve been following the post of fellow authors at The Daily Pessimist, (kudos to all of you) and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have been handed the better end of the stick. I have friends and a family that loves me. I’ve never been bullied; I’ve never inflicted harm on myself.

But maybe that’s the reason I can be so negative about everything, because I act like I’m worse off than everyone else when really I know I’m not. Maybe deep down inside of me I feel bad that I’m such a stress-head about the smallest things, knowing people who have real problems are the ones comforting me.

Of course here I go again. I’ll lay out my problems for you. My mum and dad got divorced when I was 4. Both remarried. Mum divorced her new husband, resulting in her having a spell of horrible boyfriends. Too old, too young, too time consuming, they all had some problem. The thing is she doesn’t think it affects me or my brother and sister. “It’s none of your business,” this is her favorite sentence. It’s kind of like her word of the day but it’s more like her statement of the decade. Dad is a controlling freak of nature that means well but pisses me off. I only see him once a fortnight and I’m ashamed to say for that I’m thankful. I always turn into someone else around him, the happy chappy with perfect grades and a perfectly fine family situation. I’m sick of pretending.

So I’m sure your reading this saying “Who cares...” well I’m happy to say my friends are all wonderful people who do care about me. They’re pretty much what makes life worth living. Now I’m sounded inspirational and I don’t like it. Well I’m off to see what sort of trouble I can get into.

(Oh did I mention this blog was a kick-ass idea and this layout is awesomely wicked. Zeph, this is all praise for you, thanks a ton.)


Rinna. said...

You know what? We actualy do care. Because now, we are like a big sorority (well at least as far as I know =])and we are here to listen and help. Be strong, girl-we all have to be...

Alina said...

I am glad you've never been bullied or done self-harm. Trust me, no matter what, NEVER cut or do another form of self-harm. It first seems like nothing bad will happen with a few shallow ones, but it gets really addicted and horrible... And I agree with "the crazy little rockstar"