Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am about ready to kill myself. I worked at least 3 and a half hours modifying the TDP layout, and I had to switch to a loaded blogger template in order to add the new link sidebar, which will help us to find exactly the post we're looking for and who it was by when we need to find it. Blogger said that they kept a backup of the original template so I could revert to it, and now there is nothing of the sort. I so angry that blogger lied to me. I'm not even being sarcastic. I worked so damn hard on that stupid layout. I do not have the mental clarity nor the will to work on putting this site back together the way it was. I am just too irritated for that. Hopefully it will be back up soon. I'm beginning to hate that stupid link sidebar idea. It's what fucked everything up.

We have a new team member, Bjork. Welcome, thank you for posting so soon.

Everyone else-we're doing great so far, let's keep up on the "daily" bit now that there's a lot of us.

I am now declaring an official "requirement" that you post once a week. The "requirement" is in quotes because if you have a problem or something happens and you can't post once a week, that's fine, just please tell me about it if it's something planned, like a vacation or something. I'll understand that you were probably running into difficulties if you don't post for a while. I don't want you to stress about getting on and posting if you have a lot worse things to stress about. So don't worry about it. Hopefully I won't have to do this, but if any team member was to become inactive (Like, if you disappear without a trace for a couple of months or more) they will be removed from the site. This is a "just in case" thing, I've been at a lot of sites where people just out-of-the-blue decide to not show up any more, and TDP needs to be really active and we all need to work with each other. Thanks everyone!


Alina said...

I am so fucking sorry, Zeph. I know what it's like being that frustrated. I once worked on a story for a school project for 4 hours and then my laptop just shut down and everything was lost. But this is a more different situation. And I'm sorry that I haven't been posting. I made a post about why. I promise I'll get to prompt 2 some time soon.

M said...

I'm so excited to post, i'm sure i won't forget. this is such a great idea, thanks for making it!

Zephyr said...

It's okay, again, don't worry about it. Please don't feel a huge obligation to post a lot. I just want you to be able to get on when you can. Seriously, I want TDP to be really "chill", so don't even worry about posting. Whatever you can do is fine, we all understand, I know that for a fact. ^_^ Even coming in and commenting on someone else's post is fine if you're really busy. The last thing I want to do is cause you more stress than there already is out there, but I appreciate you telling me. I'm glad you guys are really committed to the success of TDP, I know it's already helped me a lot.


Rinna. said...

Hey Zeph,
Thenew layout isn't as superb, I have to admit :/
Besides, I type in purple, and it looks crappy with green.
I might have restricted access to my computer because of several (6) quite noticeable Bs and 3 Cs on my trimester grades chart...
So I might not post as regularly.
Just so you know.