Sunday, November 9, 2008

I might have forgotten to mention this...

I just figured out what makes me different. It's the fact that, when I get in a fight with my mother, I don't slam the door-I'm not allowed to. So instead, to unleash the anger, guess what I do?
Instead of the classic cutting, I grow fingernails. Pretty big ones, too. Well, big enough to make little marks in my legs where I sink them while hiding in the closet.
My teeth work well when my fingernails have been massacred-they leave quite the markings on my hand.....
Oh-someone's coming. I have to go. I might continue this later...

1 comment:

Alina said...

I am truly sorry. Please never do self-harm.. [I know I'm a hypocrite] I know what it feels like when you need to find a way to release emotional pain.. It's always easier said then done, though, I know that won't help, sorry...