Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Intro- Bjork

First of all, Zeph, this is an awesome website.
I hardy relate to most of you on here.
I do have lots of friends, no money problems and ya I'm just feeling extremely lucky right now. And some how it's making me feel really guilty. Also, I've never hurt myself on purpose...
But I have had slippery slopes in school. That's all mostly.
Let me start at the beginning. In 5th grade, I was super shy, tall girl, a circle of friends. A big circle of friends. And I didn't come to understand they weren't really my friends until later...
Our soccer program in our town sucked, and all the coaches eventually quit on us, so i was eventually forced to go play in another small town if I wanted to play at all. Soccer was my favorite thing in the world, and it still is.
So I go there and all the girls on my team are complete idiots and preppy and called me things behind my back. Everyone got teased. It wasn't just one girl or 2 who were like this, it was everyone. Everyone. Not one person was nice to me. On my first practice i remember we were doing a drill and two girls were talking and they were bff. Then one goes to kick the ball and the other is still by me and she goes "Omg. She is such a f*n bitch." And she didn't say that like she was kidding either. I was still shy and didn't say anything the whole 2 years i played there.
But even if I didn't think it was changing me that I started playing there, it was. I became more stronger and trained myself so nothing would get to me. Nothing at all.
Also, I lost lots of weight. I was a chubby tall kid a while ago, and over that small period of time, I looked like everyone else. I looked a whole lot better.
In 6th grade i had a best friend named Kristin. She was always mean to me and would spread rumors about me to look bigger and crap that would hurt me, and then she would blame it on someone who she thought could take the heat. After 3 years of being blind, I finally figured that out and moved to a different lunch table. (I say that because you are bff with the people you sit with at lunch. It's kind of a dumb tradition kind of thing).
I didn't know this, but other people felt the same way as i did. Around... 12 people. (There were about 16 people in our "Group") They are now my closest friends. The people who wanted to stay the same and figured they'd be popular if they stayed bitches, stayed with Kristin. That was their way. I didn't care. I'd delt with it before.
She figured I was "stealing" her friends and then she'd get mad and spread nasty rumors about me saying things about other people. And from my soccer team experiance, I never let anything get to me. She finally gave up after 1 year. I never fought back.
So basicly, that's my whole life story up until now. Everything else, I'm perfectly fine. I have 2 bff. They are super close, but i'm close to everyone else too and very well liked in school.
I don't trust anyone really. No one because the people you think you are so close to can turn against you in a snap.

A lot of people choose who they think is the strongest person and blame a rumor on them. So I just laugh when a rumor goes around.

I can never agree with anyone on anything. That's what my dad tells me. I always try to prove someone wrong.
I have...well.. (had? not sure) a friend named Caleb. He is totally inlove with my friend and is very.. very.. over protective of her. We talked on IM and he would say something and i would say "No. Caleb your wrong." And prove him wrong. He would get really mad. But I guess that's just how I am. I have to make a point if i think against something. I guess we're not friends anymore.
Oh and i'm also kind of upset that he's inlove with my friend because he never leaves us alone and she hangs out with him and gives him false hope and she doens't get that.

Also, If someone says something and I have to repeat myself and it totlaly makes sense to me (From algebra to... say... why i think the pilgrims should have blah blah) It totally makes me CRAAAZY. I hate wasting time and not getting to the point.

We have a lot of secrets in my family, so I've developed ANOTHER pet peeve. When people don't tell me things. I never understood why everyone moved to Cali, I never knew anything about my granpa, (I haven't seen him since my gram died when i was 6 and... he lives in the same town.) That's a lot of years. I never understood, so why don't people tell me things? It kind of drives me up the wall...

I hope you all aren't upset with me writing so much. :) I guess i"m bored. SO... sorry. :D


Zephyr said...

Nobody feels that way, I really liked it. I like the perspective you have to bring to us, and I'm glad (and I'm sure everyone else is too) to have you on our team. Thanks so much. I can relate to some of the things you say, so don't feel alienated. We're all so alike, and the problem is that none of us know it yet. That's why TDP is here, and hopefully it will bring us together when we may be tempted to fall apart. Again, thank you for posting and thank you for joining us, I look forward to working with you. ^_^

Aravis said...

I agree with Zeph. Your intro was great; I enjoyed your writing style and I'm also looking forward to writing alongside you. :-)

Rinna. said...

Beautiful intro. Welcome to the team, Bjork! It looks like we all have some things we can realte to about each other..And I hate it when people don't tell me things, too.