Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Turn. Prompt uno!

What makes me different?

First an introduction is in order. I’m Liz. I also have strange names given to me by friends, so be my guest to call me whatever you want to.

Well, a bit about me: I make up my own words and believe in Peter Pan. A lot of people think I say things that Simon Cowell would say, minus the English accent. I just gave away the fact that I have a guilty pleasure of watching American Idol. I have a deep longing to have straight hair. I have words of the day. I’m a teenager, which goes without saying on here. I find music to be a timeless way to express a mood. I quote The Office and House regularly. My deepest wish is that I could be a more quixotic thinker.

Prompt time.

First. Zephyr’s response to this prompt was amazing. Nice job! I hope I can do the same amount of justice.

Well, it’s really disappointing me that it’s hard to thinking of anything different about me.

If you want an idea of my life, picture this: You know those beeping things with the spiky lines that are next to patients in hospitals? My life has been like one of those, only the person the machine monitors is pretty much dead…Monotonous, eh?

In English class a couple weeks ago, we studied the four types of conflict: Person v. Society, Person v. Person, Person v. Fate, and Person v. Self. After reading some short stories (from Poe and and the like) I came to the conclusion that the most important type of conflict that can arise is Person v. Self. In my related essay, I said: “…figuring yourself out is more important than understanding fate, society, or another person.” So I’ve been paying attention to myself. No so much in the selfish way, but more in a way where I really hope to “take notes” on me. I just hope I’m not a boring lesson.

I’ve learned a few things. One thing in particular stood out to me:

I am much more opinionated than I ever thought I was. You know how it feels like sometimes you’re just swimming upstream; going against everyone and their ideas? You’re not alone as long as I’m here. If somebody thinks one thing, then I’m prone to think the other.

It comes out in theology class, family issues, music, just about anything.

Let me break it down for ya.

Example time: This jerk of a kid that I’ve known for a few years was at a party for football several weeks ago. Don’t get me wrong—my school is nice. I just have no idea how this kid got into it. Rumor has I that a “friend” brought out a gun. Being the stupid person he is, this boy took the gun from his “friend” and shot himself in the leg. I just saw him today with cast and crutches.

After the news got around, my mom gave her usual “do the right thing” speech. She told me that if that ever happened to me, I should know to leave right away. Here’s the part where I sound stupid and where my Catholic grade school morals go haywire: I wouldn’t leave that party.

I’d talk some effing sense into the gun handler. Okay; I could get some shot. But I’d go out saving some people that didn’t have those guts.

Where’d all this opinionated stuff come from? What made me this way? I hope you can relate to all this, otherwise I’m ranting for no apparent reason. We’re teenagers. We have our opinions and it’s happened for the history of forever. I can bet you anything that those teenage Neanderthals were total rebels, writing on the cave walls and whatnot.

We go upstream against the common crowds. In some way, we can all agree that it’s because we feel so restrained. Think of this like a 5 year old (because they have the best way of looking at things). Your mom says you can’t have more Halloween candy. It only makes you want it more. So maybe…just a theory here…as teenagers, we have a natural tendency to just go against what people want.

Now I might be copying Aravis here, but I have a similar question. I want to know if there’s ever a point where the wires in life go *click-zap-boom* and all of a sudden things make sense?

Is it called love or peace or rock and roll?

Or does it have a name at all?

So that’s what makes me semi-different, among other trivial things like the minuscule bump on my nose or my comedic timing. My opinion.

Lots o' love!

serendipity. it's my word of the day.


Alina said...

From this and reading the other posts, I feel my post sucks, a lot. I wish I could write like this. Gahh... I understand what you mean. About how we just have a natural habit to go against what people want. And I agree with you about that life part. Amazing writing.

M said...

Wow! You sound exactly like me! I've had fights with a guy friend because he makes a point and i try to prove him wrong. We never agree on anything and he's still learning how to understand me. I hardly understand myself sometimes! :D
I'm a teenager like you, so i'm also trying to figure myself out. I just figured I knew myself when i was little when people try to tell you "find your true self." and i go "well duh i know."
But now i don't really know. Sometimes i'm the quietest one in the class, and other times i am totally loud.