Thursday, November 6, 2008

And I lied. It's not the only post.

Can I open my eyes now?

Thanks guys for joining with the blog.  I know some of you are having trouble with this stuff so please ask Alina or Liz if you're having difficulty, because they already accepted the "invitation" to be added as authors.  And authors they be.  I do want to ask you two, though, if you want to just be authors or if you would be okay helping me with administrator problems.  Please send me a PM from PV to let me know whether you want to stay an "author" or have me make you an admin.  It doesn't matter to me, and if both of you want to be admins that's fine.  I will just need someone to help find people and send them "invites" to be writers for the blog when I'm not here.  I am in over my head right now, so I'm going to make a prompt and you guys can think about and write a post, as well.  I just know that for the next 4 or so days I probably won't be on enough, and I want to hurry up and get at least 8 or so people on the team so we can begin to be active!  So Liz and Alina, I changed my mind.  I'm actually going to add you as administrators until I am going to be on regularly, and then you can just tell me whether or not you want to continue to have admin powers.   Thanks.  Look for people who want to write!  I trust you guys to know who is the kind of person that would be good to invite.  Good grammar, poetic, stuff like that.  But we NEED people.  And the others will need help figuring out how to accept an invitation to be a writer because I know they're having trouble with that.  Thanks.

Anyone else who views this blog, if you would like to become a writer, please make a comment on this.  More writers are definitely needed.  I like poets with good grammar.  Please join us and help us by giving your opinion on these prompts that we will have soon. 


What do you have that makes you different?  In the idea of creating a "gray area" in which we all have common ground, what would your views and your words represent?  What have you experienced mostly in your life?  What has made you the way you are now? If you don't want to go too far into this because, quite frankly, that would be broadcasting your entire life over some random site on the internet, that's fine.  Be general, but describe the basic attitude you have towards things, the way you approach problems, what you're good at giving advice about, etc.  Basically, if someone had a problem, give them a guideline as to whose posts they would want to read that they would relate most to/like the most/find insightful/whatever.  Introduce yourself.  I really don't care other than that, go wild with this.  I'm not asking that you complete this by any specific time, so don't feel like you have to do it now.  Just, when you feel inspired and ready to write.  That's what this is all about.  You won't put the same amount of feeling into your writing when you're not in the mood to write it.  Write whatever you feel like writing, and save it.  We will have a "random ranting" section soon where you can just post whatever when you're upset and just want to type and have somebody "listen".  Writers, I expect you all to leave responses and comments on all the other writers' posts.  Don't be so callous.  Well, these first two posts of mine don't count.  I don't care if you write comments on these. Write about what makes sense, and that's all that matters.  Remember that.  That's all I want to see.  Thanks again guys, and good luck on this prompt.


Writer and Creator of The Daily Pessimist

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