Friday, December 26, 2008


Yup, overwhelming guilt. And avalanche of school stuff a week before winter break. 20 days off. Yippee.
So, life has been steady recently, and I brought an important decision last weekend; I'm finished with guys until I'm in high school. So, yeah. My New Year plans are falling apart and I'm going to the ice-skating rink tommorrow with Tina, Annie, Daniel, Anastasia, Mims && the twins. Hella fun. Tina, Daniel and I are the only ones who can actually skate and since Daniel is my ex-crush, the girls are gonna be all over me.
I hate winter.
My fingers are going to freeze off as I type.
Fucking snow everywhere, the jolly season they call it.
Well, speak for yourself.

The Kittster.

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