Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Future

Hey, everybody. By some miracle, I have no homework tonight. So I'm going to write a post.... This one doesn't have any real meaning or significance, mostly because nothing super spectacular has happened lately, but here I go anyway.

My future. Well, when I was six I wanted to be a cashier at a supermarket. I thought scanning the things and pressing the buttons was the coolest thing ever. Then when I was eight, I wanted to be a waitress. My dad told me that some waitresses get to do both, and I nearly fell over with glee. Then for a few years after that I wanted to be an actress. I could see myself in movies and TV shows, and I stuck to it. I did plays at school and drama club and all that.

Now, though, it's different. I don't want to be in food service (I actually had a job busing tables recently and I couldn't wait to quit...) or be an actress. I want to go to Darmouth College and I want to be an author. This one I've stuck with for a long time. I can't remember exactly, but I think I've wanted to be an author ever since the sixth grade. Dartmouth came after, but any other school is my fallback. (I know. I'm only a sophomore, and I already have a fallback? My mom's a teacher/guidance counselor. She's very much into checking out colleges and being prepared and all that.)

Why do I want to be an author? Well, I couldn't really give you an entirely logical reason. I dream about seeing my name on the cover of a bestseller in Borders or someplace. I dream about being that teenager who wrote this fantastic novel, though I'm not all about the hype or the fame. That's not why I write. I write for fun, and even though some of my friends find that a little strange, I do it anyway. It's the best way I know to vent, to let out my feelings. I get to create my own world and my own characters, and I'm completely in control of what happens. It's not as stressful as real life; I make good use of the Backspace button. I get to write how I feel and writing something is so much easier than saying it sometimes. I'm determined to get myself published someday. I've obviously considered that I might get some rejections, but I don't care. My friend always says "words have power," and I've followed that philosophy with my writing. I have myself convinced I'm going to have my own book out there someday, and I don't see myself as becoming a failure in that aspect. I'm prepared to get rejection letters from some publishers, but I know I'll get my acceptance or "Sure we'll publish your book!" or whatever you call it letter. I don't doubt that. Maybe I should, but I don't.

I do hope I haven't gotten you slumped onto your keyboard, snoring, because of all that. If you did fall asleep, I hope you had a good nap. ;-)

Thanks for reading.



Rinna. said...

Wow! Amazing. I think you're going to be a great author and determination is what will get you there!

Aravis said...

Thank you so much! That really means a lot. =]

Rinna. said...

Well, actually, it's easy to connect, because we share that dream! =]