Thursday, December 11, 2008

Climbing the ladder.

Sorry for not posting in a while; my grades were getting WAY out of hand and my computer has been password protected..:( Just as I wanted to make this post, BAM! Power goes out. I made several drafts and didn't like them. :/ So, here goes.

Today's post is about climbing the ladder. Which ladder? The social one, of course.

I have never ever seen a person climb the social ladder as fast and in a strange way as me.

I did.


Long story, which I would rather not explain now, little splinters still pierce me in the shoulder when I do.

So, thing is,

Am I actually higher up on the social ladder or am I just swinging on a fragile thread next to it?

[Crap, that sounded way better in my head.]

I haven't ditched my other friends, the people that mean the most to me.


Hanging with the "populars" [not the whole society, of course; just those 4 people or smthing.] turns out to be much more fun than I thought. Drawing cool scene dolls and HKs with Laura, making the perfect "Womanizer" duet with Martina and even chatting with Vicky about what will her career be, psychiatrist or marriage councilor-that's awesome. They're awesome. So, climbing the social ladder is fragile. Balance the cliques well and you will learn to climb fast, and easy. However, I'd much rather just have the part of sitting with Laura & Alex [My bff Alexandra, I'll just shorthen it that way] in shorter classes and ROFLing with Vicky, sitting aside in PE with Martina, than have the whole army of them flocked around, you know, talking to me and all that.


Really, I'm a very shallow person. I have to admit it. I would do just about anything to become popular and have tons of hot guys buzzing around me. I like my friends. Not that I don't. But... Sometimes I think that being popular might just suit me better. But climbing the ladder is hard. I have come to the conclusion that I am one step away from being popular, but I am pulled back by my geeky friends... And being pulled back is good. I don't belong over the line, I don't belong with the populars. I should stick to my position as geek queen, or I can lose it all and become the freak that eats by herself in a corner and everyone avoids. I really, really don't know why I even posted this. To get it off my chest, I suppose. Well, it may not be the most brilliant piece of art, but at least it makes me feel better.
Hang in there.

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