Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter wonderland!

Yesterday was a "Hakuna Matata" attitude day. It was snowing BIG TIME! Unfortunately, the streets were wet and it didn't build up. :( But it's hard to be miserable on such a wonderful day! Oh and another ferosh thing -- NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY! The teachers are protesting... Isn't it a wonderful day when the governement itself accidentaly gives you a day off? And that means I get to see my fave people tommorrow...
My fave people? Here they are (in order of favouriteness)
1. Daniel
2. Daniel
3. Daniel [I think you've all guessed who that is by now)
4. Natasha, Andrijana, Anastasia
5. The twins, Tina, Camelia
6. Mimi and Sarah

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