Sunday, November 30, 2008

Boredness and... 2 month old pie

Today the weather said severe snow and ice storms. Pshhh liars. It snowed for an hour and didn't stick. Then it rained for 10 minutes.
Well, Thanksgiving was ok. I've just been sitting around watching reruns of 30 Rock, and Dead Like Me, which is my favorite new show by the way. Even if they probably aren't making episodes anymore. Now about the 2 month old pie...

Well, today was very interesting. Sunday is usually hectic for us. (So much for day of rest right) Well, on Sundays, my brother and I have to clean our rooms to get our allowence. Sam usually doesn't clean, and then gets in tons of trouble and gets grounded and screams.
Well, that happened this weekend, like everyone of my 10 years living with him.
I wanted to go see Twilight with my friend Autumn, but Sam didn't clean, and chose to read Archie comics instead. So, naturally, I go up to his room and say," You just ruined it for me and Autumn. Please clean your room. Maybe we can all still go."
If one person doesn't clean their room, nothing happens.
"NOOOO" he screams in his shrill, little kid scream.
I just ignored him and hopelessly went down to my room across the hall. But as soon as I stepped foot inside my room, he threw something headed right toard my head. I slammed my door so nothing would hit me. I cleaned for a while, then went back down stairs, watched some tv, and after a couple hours i went back upstairs to see that THERE WAS 2 MONTH OLD PUMPKIN PIE ALL OVER MY DOOR, rug, bookshelf outside my door, and on the walls, and ceiling. The pie container bounced down after hitting my door and hit a glass door, smearing pie everywhere.
Sam never takes anything home from his locker, but he did this week and decided to throw the tuperwhere at my door. Its usually a stuffed animal, by the way.
I screamed. ""
"i dont care." Sam said even though he knew he was SOOO DEAD.
I really don't know how i couldn't have seen the pie when i left my room...
Mom was pissed. Dad was pissed. Everyone was pissed. Even Sam, who "didn't know it was going to explode."
I ended up going to see Twilight with Autumn, didn't really like it, by the way...
Sam didn't clean up so now my house smells like rotten... something.
Even though we used a latter to scrape the crap off the ceiling when we got home, the smell is faintly there and my family is giving him priorities and being nice and acting like he didn't just smother my room with moldy pie.
What a wonderful... wonderfull... Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Rinna. said...

omg...Now I know how my brother feels all the time...I hate it when the one that made a mess is still privileged. Hang in there, girl.